

This is a simple, non-surgical procedure that smoothes the persistent lines between your brows or around the eyes that developed over time. One ten-minute treatment -a few tiny injections- relaxes the muscles that cause those lines to form and keeps them relaxed up to four months. Botox Cosmetic has been widely tested and is approved by the FDA.


Altantic Dermatology uses the Smoothbeam laser to help improve aging and photo-damaged skin. The laser targets the water in the skin and causes slight dermal injury which causes your own body to repair and produce new collagen. The new collagen improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


A chemical peel helps remove dead skin cells and stimulate the production of new skin cells. Atlantic Dermatology uses chemical peels to improve the appearance of skin, decrease the severity of scars and even out your complexion.


Juvederm is a "next generation" smooth gel, no animal dermal filler offering a natural look/feel and long-lasting results for up to six months or longer. Juvederm lasts long because it’s the only dermal filler currently available with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid and a special formulation process. This process creates a smooth gel that flows easily into the skin, creating a smooth, natural look.


Using the V-Beam laser, Altantic Dermatology can help you improve your appearance by reducing or eliminating facial veins. The laser uses an intense beam of light, delivered in long pulses to remove facial redness without harming the surrounding skin.


The SmoothBeam laser selectively targets the oil glands in the skin that are responsible for acne. The laser light either destroys the oil glands or shrinks the glands and this helps improve the appearance of the skin. Generally. patients see improvements after two or four treatments. The effects tend to last six or more months.


This is method of gentle exfoliation of the skin's surface cells using a jet of fine crystals. Microdermabrasion reduces damage caused by age, sun and other environmental and hereditary factors. In addition, microdermabrasion treats hyperpigmentation and acne scars. Microdermabrasion is virtually pain-free. You may experience some redness for about an hour after the procedure. Patients can resume their normal activities directly after the procedure is completed.
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